We can use the modal perfect to talk about the past
modal perfect= modal + have + past participle
e.g. You should have seen what Emma worw to the party
Simon may/might/could have been at the party. I can´t really remember.
(= It´s possible he was at the party)
Francis must have been 11 when he moved to France. (I´m sure he was 11)
I coul/woul have passed the exam if I´d studied harder
(= I didn´t pass because I didn´t study hard enough.)
You ought to/should have called me. (= You didn´t call me but I wish you
had called me.)
Note: modal perfect continuous = modal + have + been + ing form
e.g. We must have been dancing four hours.
We use the modal perfect continous:
for actions in progress on interrupted when another action happens
e.g. He can´t have been driving carefully when he crashed the card

Rocio Chavez
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