martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Exercises used TO and Would
I. Tick the correct sentences. Put a cross (x) next to those that are incorrect.
1. Carl used to believe in ghosts but he doesn't any more.
2. I would love reading about mysteries when I was younger.
3. Did you use to thought there were monsters under your bed?
4. Would you go to sleep with the light on when yuo were very young?
5. Miranda never used to buy books about UFOs.
II. Complete each sentence using the word given so that it means the same as the sentence before it. Use no more than five words.
1. My grandma always said there was an explanation for everything. used
My grandma always ........................... there was an ecplanation for everything.
2. I never believed in UFOs until I saw one. believe
I ....................... in UFOs until I saw one.
3. Uncle Bob did great card tricks whenever he came to visit. would
Uncle Bob .......................... great card tricks whenever he came to visit.
4. Kate's sure saw ghosts regularly when she was a small child. to
Kate's sure she .......................... ghosts regularly when she was a small child.
Minaya Aguilar.

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